Social Capital and Social Welfare (Meta-Synthesis of Studies in the Field of Social Capital and Social Welfare for the Period 2012- 2023)


1 "Social Welfare Department - Faculty of Social Sciences - Allameh Tabatabai University - Tehran - Iran

2 "Social Welfare Department - Faculty of Social Sciences - Allameh Tabataba'i University - Tehran - Iran



One of the factors that affect social welfare in societies is social capital. The objective of this research is to integrate the research on social capital and social welfare in order to more effectively utilize the knowledge that has been accumulated in these fields.Utilizing Meta-synthesis methodology, this article evaluates articles concerning social capital and welfare from 2012 to 2023.This article reviewed 16 scientific and research articles in the fields of social welfare and social capital.
The results indicated that the economic dimension and objective indicators of well-being have been the primary focus of studies on well-being, with little attention paid to the mental dimension. Also, the findings indicate that the more a person is intertwined with his traditional and ethnic culture in terms of identity and culture, the more mental well-being he will enjoy. On the other hand, the reduction of social capital may lead to the reduction of economic and social productivity, increase of tensions and social anomalies. Additionally, economic capital is adversely affected by the degradation of social capital. These effects include: 1. Reduction of cooperation and trust: 2. Increase of transaction costs: 3. Reduction of innovation.
Consequently, the social capital of ethnic groups in Iran is a multifaceted and intricate phenomenon that manifests in a variety of ways as a result of the cultural, historical, and social diversity of the country. Consequently, government policies and programs must establish harmony among all groups in order to foster a sense of intergroup solidarity. Along with intra-group solidarity, the welfare of the society is also improved.


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