Spatial Analysis of the Effect of Internal Migration on Changes in The Education Level of The Population in The Counties of Iran

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1 Department of Demography, social science faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 . School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy and CeADAR (Ireland’s National Centre for Applied Data Analytics & AI), University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

3 Department of Demography, Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Education facilitates migration by increasing economic efficiency. Studies show that immigrants have higher education than non-immigrants. Migration of highly educated people can create changes in the composition of the population of origin and destination of migration.
This study has investigated the effect of internal migration on the changes in the education level of the population of the counties and the gender differences of this effect by using the census data of 2011 and 2016 and the statistical yearbook of Iran Statistics Center in 2016 and with the method of secondary data analysis. To calculate the effect of migration the method of the Compositional Impact of migration was used.
The findings showed that the biggest change was in the level of higher education of the population of women and men. The share of the population of men and women with higher education in developed counties has increased due to immigration, and the share of the population of men and women with higher education in less developed counties has decreased. Examining the gender differences showed that these changes were more in the female population of the counties than in the male population.
The results of this study indicate that the existence of regional inequalities in access to educational and employment opportunities has led to the migration of women with higher education compared to men with higher education from less developed counties, especially from the semi-western and northeastern regions of Iran. Considering the importance of educated manpower in achieving economic and social growth and development, taking measures to develop less developed counties can provide the basis for increasing the speed of development of these areas by reducing the migration of educated people.


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