Evaluation of Dimensions and Quality of Urban Services in Zahedan and Relationship with Satisfaction of Municipal Performance


1 Ph.D. in Sociology, Visiting Professor of Hormozgan University, Bandar Abbas. Iran

2 . Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran

3 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


It is imperative to investigate the assessment of citizens regarding the quality of municipal services and the manner in which they are perceived as one of the most critical institutions of urban management. This is particularly critical in small Iranian cities such as Zahedan, which are subject to less oversight and are situated at a greater distance from public scrutiny than larger cities. The objective of the present study is to assess the quality and scope of municipal services in Zahedan, as well as the correlation between these factors and residents' satisfaction with the municipality’s performance.
The present study employed a quantitative survey methodology. The field data utilized in this study was gathered via questionnaire during the spring and summer of 1400, spanning a duration of six months. The study’s statistical population comprises the inhabitants of Zahedan city, and a cluster sampling method consisting of multiple stages was employed. The sample size of 384 individuals was determined using Cochran's formula.
The findings of the study indicated that the level of satisfaction regarding the municipality’s performance is suboptimal, with approximately 77% of the participants expressing very low levels of satisfaction. The inferential portion of the research findings revealed a significant correlation between organizational evaluation of satisfaction with the performance of the municipality and a variety of municipal service quality dimensions; the relationship has been direct and positive.
The level of satisfaction that citizens have with the performance of a municipality can be perceived and evaluated by the public regarding the services provided by organizations such as the municipality. If the public evaluates these services positively, then the satisfaction level of the municipality can increase.


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