Plans for the Formation of Communal Partnerships In Non-governmental and Charitable Organizations


Department of Communication and Business Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran


In order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness and to play an appropriate role in the development of countries and societies, public institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) must utilize new skills and methods to maximize the capacity of social alliances. Therefore, achieving “strategies for the development of social partnerships in non-governmental organizations and charities” is viewed as the primary objective of this article.
This investigation employs qualitative content analysis with an inductive methodology. The research data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with 22 experts and managers active in the media and NGO fields, as well as through theoretical sampling. By analyzing the 839 conceptual codes resulting from these interviews and examining the concepts obtained, the final strategies were presented.
The findings of this research include 10 programs that are separated and presented in two levels: “strategic programs”? and “operational and executive programs.” The first strategic plan includes measures such as preventing the nationalization of NGOs, providing stable sources of income and preventing financial dependence of NGOs, and the second strategic program also includes things such as strengthening the supervision and management of NGOs and charities, formulating upstream vision and laws, strengthening training and staffing, determining the structure and efficient organization includes the formulation of financial and tax regulations, the use of media and promotional approaches in the fields, the formulation of detailed plans to identify new capacities and the production of specialized knowledge in good affairs.
According to the estimates derived from this study, two strategies are required for the development of social partnerships in public institutions and charitable institutions: “Efforts should be made to form NGOs and independent charities, in addition to strategic monitoring of the activities of charities and public institutions.” In the segment on research findings, the operational and implementation measures of these two strategies are also presented as 10 axes.


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