Fencing: An Analysis of the Duality of Fence and Fencing Syndrome among in Savadkuh- Mazandaran


1 Assistant Professor and, Department of Cooperatives and Social Welfare, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University

2 Master student of Social Science Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yazd University


In the past, people built fences around cities to protect themselves and provide security. But over time and in recent decades, the culture of social segregation and privatization has changed the form and content of fences, tying them to private farms, villa gardens, and private homes. The aim of this sociological study is to examine the semiotic duality of fence and enclosure among the residents of Savadkuh in Mazandaran province in order to understand the social meaning of a physical structure. The method used in this study is qualitative and critical ethnography. Twenty citizens of Savadkuh were selected and interviewed randomly. The results of this study show the duality and semantic transformation of fencing in Savadkuh and with a semiotic approach and perception of the city in terms of two main themes: 1. “Fencing as a biological and identity manifestation” and 2. “Fencing as a manifestation of the dominance of modern instrumental values, alienation and individualism.” The central categories in the discussion of fencing include “the absence or limitation of fencing in the past”, “the fence as a sign of demarcation and care of agricultural land and product”, “the manifestation of security”, “the manifestation of simplicity and poverty of rural life” and also “the fence as a sign of land value”,  “manifestations of modernization and segregation”, “manifestations of rationality and personalization of privacy” and “manifestations of pathology and social pessimism”. Finally, this duality in urban structures and symbols reveals a picture of spatial and social duality and inequality in a variety of urban environments.


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