Screening the Environmental Effects of Local Growth and Development Intervention Measures Using the SEA Approach Case Study: Strategic Action of Economic Development of Counties of Region 1 Planning in Khuzestan Province


1 PhD Student, Department of Human Geography, Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Human Geography, Department of Human Geography

3 , Professor of Human Geography, Department of Human Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran.


Strategic environmental assessment is a systematic, comprehensive and on-going process for evaluating the environmental impact and consequences of strategic actions. The purpose of this study is to use this approach to screen the environmental consequences of interventions actions for local growth and development with emphasis on the "Strategic Document of Economic Development of Counties of Region One's Planning in Khuzestan Province". The present research is applied based on the purpose and type of research, and descriptive and survey (analytical) methods in terms of nature and method. Screening has been done by using checklist and screening matrix in the framework of Fuzzy Delphi Method and with the advice and survey of 26 responsible practitioners in various fields of planning about three components and 33 key environmental criteria. Results showed that the degree of effectiveness of strategic action on improving and enhancing the welfare and human livelihood of rural and urban settlements, impact on other strategic documents and design and provision of a framework for the activities and operational projects with potential environmental impacts, is "significant" and above the 'threshold'. Also, the degree of attention to the consideration of laws and regulations related to the environment and the integration of environmental considerations, values and standards, is 'less than significant threshold'. In addition, the areas of planning and policy-making covered by strategic action based on legal guidelines are recognized as areas of development with environmental issues and constraints, and will have potentially significant environmental effects and consequences on geographical, natural and cultural areas.


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