Dynamics Assessment of Living Conditions in rural Communities, Using the SLF Approach and Benefiting from the CIPP pattern (Case Study: Darreh‌shahr County)


1 Undergraduate student, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University

2 Rural development department/Faculty of agriculture/ Shahrekord university


The sustainable rural livelihood approach relies on the main assets and capital (human, financial, social, etc.) in the village as the primary and basic sources of rural livelihood. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to assess the living conditions of rural households in Darrehshahr city from the perspective of local communities. The type of research is applied and field method has been used to collect data. The statistical population included 16140 households and the sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 380 people. Statistical methods using SPSS, Excell and Vensim software were used to analyze the data. The results show that there is a significant difference between the studied villages in terms of subsistence assets. Also, the results of Friedman test show that the share of natural assets is higher in the studied villages, the share of natural assets in the studied villages is higher and the share of social assets. , Natural, physical and financial are 3.39, 3.30, 3.59, 1.33, 3.39, respectively. Cause and effect models show that the impact of livelihood dimensions in the studied villages in terms of currency through tourism, private sector investment in the region according to the region's capacities, creating handicraft fairs, reducing migration to cities, creating entrepreneurial opportunities, reducing labor outflows and creating revenue can be effective.


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