Indigenous Pattern of Digital Divide Reduction in Iran (Case study: Villages of Qom Province (


1 PhD student, Faculty of Communications Department of Management, Islamic Azad University Central

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communications Department of Management, Islamic Azad University Central


Although the contemporary discourse of sociology of technology puts many concepts on its agenda, but the digital divide is still one of the important research in this field. Meanwhile, although the penetration of the Internet in rural areas has grown, it should be noted that new approaches to the digital divide have led to new issues such as rural "ICT", the level of digital literacy and what is the effective local pattern to reduce it, and issues that more specifically address the digital divide which has been explained in Iran. The present article intends to explore the issue of digital divide in the villages of Qom province. The present scientific scan seeks to find the native pattern of digital divide in the villages of Qom Province. Therefore, it has collected its data using the Delphi method and has used the fuzzy hierarchical technique and fuzzy TOPSIS. The statistical population of the present study are the experts and senior managers in the field of ICT in the villages of Qom province. The results of the research after Delphi two-stage calculations are the achievement of the conceptual model of the research including 9 criteria and 42 sub-criteria and 36 digital gap crossing strategies. During the fuzzy hierarchical calculations, the sub-criteria were normalized and prioritized in terms of weight. According to the research findings, recognizing rural culture and social relations has the highest weight rating and businesses have the lowest weight rating by identifying them in the development of rural economy as well as business intelligence. The results of quality assessment of solutions in the light of fuzzy TOPSIS technique indicate that encouraging operators to invest in the first priority and using specialized personnel to provide training in IT concepts to experts in the organization, is at the lowest level of priority.


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