Homelessness:from the inevitable struggle for survival to the Social Reorganisation


1 M.A. in Social Welfare, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

3 DAssistant professor of Sociology, Faculty of Letters & Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The purpose of this paper is to study the Lived experience of homelessness based on its characteristics, distinctions and conditions. The social system and organization of homeless hangouts are influenced by the pattern of urban growth, the system of power that governs it, and the interactions of outcasts in the hangout. This research has been done by qualitative method based on thematic analysis technique. For this purpose, in-depth semi-structured interviews with 32 homeless people were conducted in six homeless hangouts (based on targeted sampling) and the data were analyzed using Maxqda software. The results show that homeless hangouts, as a livelihood territory, have a customary system of division of labor with degrees of compulsive collectivism that combine a sense of need for social cohesion, personal emotion, support, relief and identity in the community. The considerable degree of freedom of action in the field of individual action, which by formal criteria can be regarded as a form of anomaly, together with the minimal provision of anything that makes life possible for the homeless, provides a dual attraction for that territory. Finally, from an introspective perspective, the hangout can be seen as an informal, dynamic local community, not merely a conglomeration of perverse and abnormal individuals.


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