A sociological Study of the Relationship between Identity Styles and Values Underlying Sustainable Development among Young People (Case study: Youth of Sanandaj)


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University

2 PhD in Sociology, Researcher, Institute of Social Studies and Research, University of Tehran


The Cultural norms or underlying values (such as freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature and shared responsibility); are prerequisites for sustainable development as comprehensive and balanced development in various social, economic and environmental dimensions. On the other hand, the attitudes and values of individuals in a society are produced and reproduced through their chosen identity style. There seems to be a reciprocal connection between the two. Given the importance of youth socialization; this research has studied the youth of Sanandaj aged 18-29 by survey method. The sample size is 345 people who have been selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. Descriptive findings indicate that the level of infrastructure values of sustainable development among the youth of Sanandaj is not in a very favorable situation, although it is not far from the desired situation. The findings also show that the youth of Sanandaj are in a better position in terms of freedom; tolerance and equality, while in terms of respect for nature, solidarity and especially shared responsibility are in unfavorable conditions. In addition, analytical findings indicate a significant and positive relationship between Sanandaji youth information identification style with all dimensions of values of sustainable development infrastructure and its overall index; the identity style is confused with the overall index, especially the dimensions of equality, shared responsibility and freedom. Theoretically, it can be concluded that despite the focus on distinct aspects, there is a kind of theoretical integration, overlapping content and assumptions, especially with regard to human motivations in these two typologies (identification styles and underlying values of sustainable development) and theoretical discussion in Identity and culture. Such a situation can be interpreted, in Weberian terms, as a kind of "selective relationship or coordination" between information identity style and the underlying values of sustainable development.


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