The Relationship between Residential Environments and Lifestyle Dimensions (A Comparative Study of a Traditional and a Contemporary Neighborhood in Tabriz, Iran)


1 Associate Professor of Architecture, Islamic art university of Tabriz

2 PhD Student of Islamic Architecture, Islamic art university of Tabriz

3 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Islamic art university of Tabriz


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between residential environments and the residents’ lifestyle dimensions. Theoretical studies suggest that the capabilities of residential environments can affect different aspects of lifestyle. To validate the theoretical model of the study, a traditional and a contemporary neighborhood in Tabriz were selected. The statistical population for each neighborhood was determined to be 200 residents. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the impact of residential environments on lifestyle dimensions. The results of our theoretical tests on a traditional and a contemporary neighborhood suggested that in the traditional neighborhood, the physical capability at the neighborhood level and the symbolic capability at the home level had the highest impact on the development of lifestyle dimensions. In terms of lifestyle dimensions, at the neighborhood level, the interaction dimension was affected the most by the physical capability, whereas at the home level, the interaction dimension was affected the most by the symbolic capability. In contrast, in the contemporary neighborhood, the social capability at the neighborhood and the symbolic capability at the home level had the highest impact on the improvement of lifestyle dimensions. In terms of lifestyle dimensions, at the neighborhood level, the unity dimension was affected the most by the social capability, whereas at the home level, the unity dimension was affected the most by the symbolic capability.


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