Assessing the State of Responsibility of Rural Community towards the Environment and it Underpinning Factors (Case study: Mazandaran Province)


Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, Mazandaran University.


The issue of social responsibility to protect the environment at all levels and segments of society is an issue that is emphasized in 14th article of the general policy of Iran’s environment and the villagers as well most users of environmental resources are no exception.The main research question was how people feel about the environment and what are the responsible behaviors among the villagers?.The research method is cross-sectional analysis and the analysis unit is a rural resident.The statistical population of the study was all residents of rural areas of Mazandaran province in 2019.The type of sampling was multi-stage clustering. The number of sample villages was 30 and the sample size was 384.In this research, the formal validity and validity of the structure have been used. The data required for the research have been collected through the questionnaire tools. The survey data were reviewed and analyzed in SPSS software. The results show that the level of responsible behavior of the environment and the tendency to responsible behavior of the environment was moderate. Multivariate analysis suggests that the severity of the vulnerability, the severity of the perceived risk, the self-efficacy and knowledge of the environment, and the prescriptive norms have affected the responsibility of the rural community for the environment.


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