An Analysis of the Narrative of the Interest Groups about the Collapse of Social Capital among the Rural Production Cooperatives (Case of Study: Rural Production Cooperatives in of Kurdistan Province


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Kurdistan.

2 Master of Sociology, Kurdistan University


The purpose of the present study is to analyse the narration of interest groups about social capital collapse among entrepreneurship of rural production in Kurdistan province. Based on this, using the theories of Coleman, Putnam Bourdieu as prominent thinkers in the field of social capital and inferiority, and Nahapiet and Ghoshal as prominent thinkers of institutional and organizational context of this concept, we have tried to explain the conceptual framework of social capital to answer the questions and research goals. These theorists emphasize the relationships and connections in society and organizations and give social capital a collective and transpersonal character. According to the fundamental proposition of research, research is conducted in qualitative tradition, and for data production, participatory observation, deep interview and group discussion have been used. In the analysis of data, we used the method of narrative analysis. Sampling was purposeful sampling, theoretical and sampling with maximum diversity. Accordingly, based on theoretical content saturation, 9 group discussions and 43 deep structured interviews were conducted with co-operative directors, board members and members of the nine production cooperatives. In total, data generated in the form of the first 65 primary concepts, four major categories and a central core are coded and analysed. Major categories derived from narratives include: decline in trust in cooperatives, undesirable participation, social indifference and organizational inefficiency, and reduction of social solidarity. The findings of the narrative analysis of the interest groups of rural production cooperatives show that social capital among these organizations in recent years has not only eroded but collapsed , due to lack of government support, the involvement of the rural cooperative organization in the process and the selection of cooperative bodies, especially the manager, the laws and rigid frameworks, similar unsuccessful experiences, the establishment of rural social order, the emergence of new administrations in the administration of rural public affairs, parallel institutions and co-operatives, and lack of transparency in the financial and management issues of these cooperatives and erosion of social capital among interest groups. This has altered the existential nature of production cooperatives in the rural areas studied, and has strengthened distrust and lack of participation among the villagers.


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