Neighborhood development strategies: comparing the performance of neighborhood management in Iran and Britain


1 Assisstant Professor at Department of Sociology Kharazmi University

2 Assisstant Professor at Department of Sociology Shaid Beheheshti University.

3 Associate Professor of Sociology, Bu-Ali Sina University


Many countries in recent decades have promoted neighborhood development strategies in urban management. Neighborhood development strategies have developed in Britain and there are some experiences in Iran in recent years, including the neighborhood management in applied by Tehran Municipality. The current paper compares neighborhood management in Tehran and Britain to diagnose challenges and provide advices for promoting sustainability of the process. Documentary, qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used to analyze the subject. Findings show that there are clear differences between the experience in Iran and Britain and the major difference is for the concept and aim of neighborhood management. Neighborhood management in Britain have been directed toward social integration and empowerment of deprived people in urban local areas, and the people in the neighborhood have effective participation in the decision making process about services, programs and management activities, but in Tehran, public participation means participating in classes and educational programs which has been defined by municipality officials. 


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