The effect of urban space to happiness of residents out of 9 districts in Tehran


1 Professor of Sociology, Alzahra University

2 Gradate of MA Program, Alzahra University


Persistent scientific study of happiness has attracted the attention of scholars to the concept of happiness and factors related to it, which are instrumental for managers and socio– cultural planners in order to select desirable policies. The study attempts to utilize theoretical suggestions of sociology and urban planners to examine the impact of urban space (somatic and non-somatic) on happiness of its citizens. Non somatic aspects consist of social environment and cultural environment. Hypothesis suggests that urban space is effective on feeling of happiness by sustaining the needs of its populace. Methodology used was a descriptive survey. Instrument comprised of a questionnaire. Sample consisted of 270 residents out of 9 districts from three areas (3, 12, and17). Findings revealed that individual’s feeling of happiness is at the intermediary level. Also, level of happiness in the 12th area is higher than the other two areas. The effective variables of feeling happiness are: satisfaction of need for security; satisfaction of need for feeling of belonging; and satisfaction of physiological needs, respectfully. Satisfaction of needs for security has the most effect on feeling of happiness. Independent variable of study was a clear indicator of happiness. Non somatic aspect of urban space consist of social (measure and type of social relations) and cultural (performance of programs and ceremonies) environment, and somatic aspect indirectly effect on feeling happiness. ‌


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