Capability of rural sport; local development & social participation (case study: Gilehmardi Wrestling)

Document Type : Article extracted from plan or project (by ordering the organization or department, etc.)


1 Associate Professor, University of Guilan

2 M. A., Department of Social Development Studies, University of Tehran.


Rural sports can be concerned as one of the most important and also obsolete subjects of rural development study and sport sociology in Iran. The mean to the following Study is recognition Capacities and Dimensions of Gilehmardi wrestling in the course of local development and social participation as one of the most important rural sports in Iran. Eshkik and Tazehabad Khachkin as environs of Gilan province have been chosen as borders of the investigation. Parameters of the current project have been gathered using basic theory method and deep interviews and site observations. Results of this study shows that lots of changes have been occured in functions, social and cultural procedures in Gilehmardi wrestling and this sport has been converted from “traditional”, “local”, “related to livelihood economy" phenomenon, to “margin, strange quasi formal” in the current rural society. From the most significant development ingredients of this procedure “quasi rural modernism”, “change inrural leisure times”, “reduction of farmer roles wrestling performance”, “classifying wrestling through non-rural organs” and also “families prohibition in youth wrestling “can be pointed. The results of the investigation show that development of the current phenomenon, can cause “reduction of traditions and margin functions of Gilehmardi wrestling”, “unchaining ruralists from their local identity”, “improving tourism and rural wisdom industry”, “reduction of number of challenges”, “destruction of existence environments”, “reduction of ruralists active co-operation”.


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