Surveying residential texture around rivers in social view



Village atmosphere is made of different subsystems each of which has different elements and internal relations and they determine the way that organization of village atmosphere is made. Harmony and lack of harmony in finding a place in village atmosphere can take different forms. Now, one of the most important aspects of lack of harmony in the villages can be seen in the establishment of residential villages in the border of rivers. Different strategies and policies for improving residential texture of villages have been looked for in details, i.e., they have sought the solutions of the problems in villages’ residential subsystems. In the present study, considering the systemic views and the importance of the role of rivers, we have tried to emphasize the need to have deeply-held views about the role of rivers in villages. In this study the pathological behavior of the river, from the perspective of the rural space organization pathology, has been studied. Statistical society of this study includes a number of villages in the border of rivers like Gorganrood in Golestan province,Masouleh in Gilan province,Ijrood in Zanjan province, Layjand in Esfahan province, Shahrood in Qazvin province, and Karaj in Tehran province. Based on the results of the study, organizing the residential part of border villages and directing them in rural leading plans toward a spatial discipline, can have stable effects on the texture of rural residential and direct it toward a systematic behavior.
