Zoning of Rural Regions in Flood Hazard with Use of HEC-GeoRAS Model in GIS Sphere (Case study: flooded villages of Gorganrud Basin)



Regional rural development in border of rivers, bed of flood plains without attention to rivers Hydrologic and Dynamic in basin topside, incentive increase of flood danger, bane, financial and infrastructure damage in rural region. Therefore, significance of flood zoning map provision in flooded plain management delineated. In this article with attention to climate characters, topographic profile in flood plains, rainfalls sustain time and flood recurrence period, appoint to flood zoning in course of Gorganrud River for identity of rural point in flood hazard. This way could aid planers to think a necessary planning and management scheme for danger reduction before flood occurrence in rural area and rural flood hazard suppression to minimum limit. For achieve this result, use of HEC-GeoRAS model in GIS sphere and LANDSAT ETM+ satellite images, DTM and etc. result show that used model is a useful and appropriate tools for flood management in rural area.
