Keywords = Development
The study of relationship between religion beliefs and social capital in rural communities (Case of villages of Ilkhchi town)

Volume 6, Issue 2, October 2014, Pages 299-318


Reibvar Isanezhad; Rassul Mohammadrezaei; Hosein Raheli; Hosein Kouhestani

A Comparative Analysis of Media Consumption in Rural and Urban Areas in Iran

Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 121-138


Abdolhossein Kalantari; Vali’ollah Rostamalizadeh; Hossein Hassani

Theory and method in research of Indigenous knowledge and its role in the process of rural sustainable development

Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 19-38


Jalaaldin Rafeefar; Hossein Daneshmehr; Rashid Ahmadrash

Evaluating the theoretical model of good governance in explaining the human development condition

Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 39-52


Mahmmoud Ghazi-Tabatabaei; Rouhollah Nosrati; Ali Kazemi